Tuesday 27 November 2012

Welcome to my World!

Myself at the end of a Rebecca Simone Fashion Show wearing a rebecca Simone Dress

I’ve been thinking for a while that I need to sort myself out and ‘get involved’ (a common motto of mine) with the whole world wide web antics! So I got on twitter, still not so sure how to do that, but im trying! :) I blatantly have Facebook, although I’ve fallen off the excitement ride of that one...note to oneself to must get involved again! Im a fan of Linkedin and now Im creeping into the world of bloggers! Mainly to get out there and show my face to the world, again, but also to calm me down from my Ebay addiction.....you will read more of this as we go on.
So what am I going to tell you thats a million miles away from all the other barmy bloggers who have graced every magazine, website and TV show! 
Well.....firstly I will do the standard, showing pics of my everyday outfits, you can rate or slate me, I don't mind! I have pretty thick skin after attending an all girls High School and a degree in Fashion Design. Yep, both caused me years of heartache......thank god my Dads a shrink!
Ok Im over it, so as mentioned, I have a degree in Fashion design, so I will be showing hints, tips, secrets of the trade and amazing skills you can do at home! 
PS these are wearable and fool proof ideas, no Blue Peter stylee or catwalk only styles!
You will also notice, I’m not a stick thin model :) therefore, YOU! Yes YOU! can check out my styles and be inspired! Im sure you are just like me and realise that most styles we see in Vogue (love the mag though and collect it) are just not meant for the average Josephine's.
Also, as you see in the title...Miss RSVP I will specialise in helping you choose an outfit for any special occasion! :) Yes, a wedding in this beautiful country of rain I hear you say? Aahhh I can recommend!! 
In between all this I will share all sorts of daily knowledge to help you fancy free through life! 
Lastly but by no means leastly....yes I know thats not a word but I like it.....Im not a lover of paying full price for many things! So I’m here to save you some pennies, whatever your budget, and kick start our country out of  a recession....whhoooo!! Jump jump for joy!! 

Yes yes!! Miss RSVP will save the world!!!!  XX

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